Last year I started sharing weekly posts called Tuesday Tips for Gluten Free. It was a fun way to share gluten-free tips and recipes. But life happened and it ended up being hard for me to share weekly round up posts that took a lot of time to put together.
I decided that sharing an occasional gluten-free facts and finds post might be a better way for me to get back to sharing gluten-free tips, facts, products, and recipes that I am trying. My goal is to share a post like this once or twice a month.
These posts will be full of gluten-free products, tips, recipes, facts, and news.
This week’s Gluten-Free Facts and Finds is full of gluten-free products that we have been trying and gluten-free recipes that we are loving.

Kraft Gluten Free Macaroni and Cheese
My daughter recently came home from the store with a box of Kraft Gluten-Free Macaroni and Cheese. I had seen a few people post about it on social media, but since I have never really loved boxed macaroni and cheese, it wasn’t a product that I was in a hurry to try.
Once she brought home the box though I was curious about how it would taste.

It tasted just like the real thing. I couldn’t believe how much it tasted like the real thing, including the pasta. My husband and son, who don’t eat gluten-free, even agreed. We all were very surprised at how good it was. That is if you like the boxed and cheese.
I would much prefer to make Martha Stewart’s Slow Cooker Macaroni and Cheese with gluten-free pasta. But if you miss boxed mac and cheese the Kraft Gluten-Free Mac and Cheese is worth trying.

Be Free Pita Bread
We also tried Be Free pita bread and it was really good. I wasn’t sure about this one because it had some ingredients that I do not normally like, pea for example, but it was really good.
I liked the fact that it was thin but still worked well for sandwiches.
Gluten Free Dinners
It is summer. Summer in Oklahoma means that I don’t like to turn on my oven more than I have to. We have had a cooler than normal summer, but still hot enough that I have been avoided the oven.
We have had slow-cooked chicken legs several times recently. They are such an easy and inexpensive gluten-free main dish.
My husband bought some corn from a local farmer. It was so good. I cooked it in the Instant Pot, which has become my favorite way to cook corn on the cob. If you have an Instant Pot and haven’t tried Instant Pot Corn on the Cob you need to.
I have also been making breakfast for dinner at least once a week, usually, it is some sort of egg dish. Greek scramble eggs are a favorite this time of year with cherry tomatoes. Spinach is also good added in.

Safe + Fair Granola
This Safe + Fair Granola was a fun find at Costco.
I wasn’t going to share about this product because there are a lot of thoughts about this granola in the gluten-free world, but I know I am not the only one that struggles to balance all of the food issues that we deal with. Finding food that fits all our needs can be challenging.
My oldest daughter has a tree nut, peanut, sesame allergy. She also eats gluten-free. Finding granola that is safe for her to eat is very hard. Finding one that tastes good is even more difficult.
We usually make our own granola so that we can control the ingredients, but when I saw the Safe + Fair Granola was free of the top nine allergens I knew that I had to try it.
It was so good! I think it is the best allergy-friendly granola that I have had. I can’t wait to try the other flavors. This granola is sure to become a family favorite.
When I post about gluten-free granola or oats I often get questions or comments on the safety of gluten-free oats. In fact, I have gotten a lot of pretty nasty comments over the years about the fact that my family even eats oats.
Safe + Fair Granola is a certified gluten-free granola, however, they do not use purity protocol oats. No one in my family has Celiac Disease. And my daughter with the nut allergy is the least sensitive to gluten in our family. These oats work fine for my family, but they might not be good for everyone.
National Celiac Association has a good article on gluten-free oats and Celiac and the Beast has an article on companies that use purity protocol oats. When it comes to gluten-free oats I recommend that you do your research on what is safe for your family.
I have tried Gluten Free Mac and Cheese, not the Kraft brand but others.
My question is…why do they cost way more than the regular box of Mac and Cheese.
The only thing different is the macaroni being rice based pasta. It is made the same way as the original Mac and Cheese.
I now make my own using gluten free elbows, cheese powder, milk, and butter.
Price differences are not only with this product but all gluten free products.
Five or six dollars for twelve slices of bread is outlandish just because it is gluten
Now I feel better. Thanks for reading this.
I know…the cost of gluten free products can be so expensive. In fact, all allergy friendly stuff is expensive. My daughter has a nut allergy and nut free items can also be crazy expensive too. That is one reason I don’t buy a lot of premade boxed stuff. I am not totally sure on all the reasons why it is so much more expensive but I know one of them is the cost to have special equipment, especially if it is certified gluten free. My readers totally understand how expensive it is to eat gluten free, so I didn’t mind listening at all. Knowing that others understand makes it a little easier. 🙂
Thanks for the info about the oats in Safe + Fair’s granola! I’m usually fine with anything that is labeled certified GF, but I’m going to look into that due to a mild reaction to something unknown. (I do have Celiac and am still in the healing stage.) All their flavors are amazing! Target cycles through them and I often find new flavors there. 🙂