Did you know that they now make gluten-free Oreo cookies? Are they any good? Are they really gluten-free?
I am sharing my thoughts on gluten-free Oreos and what my family thought of them.

Gluten Free Oreos
I was so excited when I heard about gluten-free Oreos. I missed Oreos. There are several well known gluten-free Oreo like cookies, but they are not the same. They are ok, but the taste and texture are just not the same as the real thing.
When a saw a friend post on Instagram that they found them at a local Walmart I was excited to give them a try.
Then I saw In Johnna’s Kitchen post about them on Instagram. She keeps up on things way better than I do in the gluten-free world, so I messaged her about the gluten-free Oreos.
She was very helpful. The short version is that gluten-free Oreos contain oats and it is hard to tell what exactly what kind of oats they use.
After messaging with her I decided not to buy the gluten-free Oreo cookies until I knew more about them.
But then my daughter came home with a package of gluten-free Oreo cookies. She had no idea about the debate and was excited for our family to try them.
She also brought home a package of regular Oreos so that my husband and son, who do not have to eat gluten-free, could do a taste test of them.

Are gluten free Oreos really gluten free?
Our Gluten Free Story
There are people way more qualified to talk about this issue than I am. There is a huge debate on the safety of gluten-free oats. There is also a big debate on whether or not people with Celiac Disease should even eat oats at all.
Three in our family eat gluten-free and have for years. But no one in my family has Celiac Disease. Or maybe I should say none of us have tested positive for Celiac Disease.
I was tested way back in 2009, long before gluten-free was so popular. My test was negative. I have been tested once since then, but by the time I had the second test I had been eating gluten-free for years. That test probably wasn’t very accurate.
My daughter has been tested as well. She has had both the GI test and the blood testing. Both were negative.
However, eating gluten-free has changed my life and health. I will never go back to eating gluten again. The same thing is true with both of my daughters. We are all very sensitive and are careful what we eat.

Oats in Oreos
The gluten-free world is mixed on the new gluten-free Oreos. Even people that I would consider gluten-free experts have mixed views on them. Some people love them. Some people don’t.
The gluten-free Oreos are certified gluten-free.
The issue that so many have problems with is the oats that are in the gluten-free Oreos.
Gluten-Free Dude has an article on the oats in the Oreos debate. A quick internet search will bring up a ton of other people that have shared their thoughts as well.
I know that there are people and companies doing independent testing of the Oreos. I know a lot of people that have no desire to eat them because they don’t trust the oats to truly be gluten-free.
I am not 100% sure what I think about the oats in Oreos…but I did try one and I am sharing my thoughts on the taste. I am also sharing a little bit about how I felt after eating them.
What did they taste like?
The gluten-free Oreo cookies were really good. The filling tasted just like the real thing. The cookies did not seem as crisp and hard to us, but they tasted very close to the real thing.
We had some regular Oreos too, so my son and husband had both and we said they are very close to the real thing. In their opinion, there wasn’t a lot of difference, except maybe in the texture.
One of my daughters was not impressed with them, however, I don’t think she was ever a big fan of Oreos.

My Thoughts On Them Being Gluten Free
Like I said above I had not planned on trying them until I had more information, but once the package of Oreos was on the counter tempting me, I gave in and tried one. Ok, so I actually ate a couple of them…
When it comes to oats I would say I am semi-sensitive. I use only gluten-free oats. If I eat too many oats I can tell a difference. So, I eat gluten-free oats, but I am careful about how many I eat.
At first, I couldn’t tell a difference at all after eating the Oreos. I didn’t seem to react like so many people have, however, I recently bought gluten-free Oreos again to use in a recipe. This time I am pretty sure they made me sick.
After eating several Oreos and some of the dessert that I made containing them, I didn’t feel right for several days.
I woke up and told my husband that I felt like I got gluten somewhere. I felt terrible and I could tell the cause was gluten because I know what I feel like when I get gluten.
I went back over what I had eaten the two days before. I had not eaten out at a restaurant or at anyone’s house. My diet had pretty much been what it always is. The only thing different was that I had some Oreos.
We do buy regular bread and a few gluten-filled things for my husband and son to eat. It is possible that it was cross-contamination, but this didn’t feel like a small amount from cross-contamination.
It felt like I got quite a bit of gluten. I think it was probably the Oreos. I can’t prove it was that, but I am pretty sure it was the Oreos. So, I doubt I will be eating the gluten-free Oreos again.
My thoughts on the gluten-free Oreos are based on how I felt after eating them, not on what the package says or the science behind how they are made.
My advice is to do your research and eat with caution. If you have Celiac it is a product that you might want to avoid.

You might be wondering what is in the gluten-free Oreos.
Gluten-free Oreos do not contain peanuts and they do not contain tree nuts.
The main ingredients are sugar, rice flour, tapioca starch, oat flour, cornstarch, and cocoa. They also contain several other ingredients, including some that I cannot pronounce.
We’ve been getting them for a few months and have had no issues. We think they’re delicious. Taste just like the regular ones we remember.
We have no problem consuming GF oats though, so that may be why?
I agree they are really good. The first time I ate them I didn’t react and the second time I did. It might have to do with how sensitive a person is, but it also might have to do with the oats. I am wondering if some packages are just contaminated oats. I have heard a lot of people say that with Cheerios. Sometimes they are fine and other times they are not.
I finally decided to try the GF Oreos 6 months after they came out and I didn’t really care for them and they upset my stomach. I think the Simple Truth version is 110 times better.
I haven’t tried the Simple Truth brand. We don’t have a Kroger near us, but I will look for them next time I visit family in Oregon. I am glad to know that they are good.
I have no problem eating gluten but someone brought these in to work so I ate a couple and they made me feel sick. I don’t think it’s the gluten I think there’s something else that’s causing an issue.