What is potato starch?
Potato starch is the starch the comes from potatoes that has been dried. It can be used as a thickener and also in gluten free baked goods.
Potato starch can be used in gravy, sauces, and soup as a thickener. In some things it does change the texture, so I am carefully what I use it in. I do love it for gluten free sausage gravy though.
Potato starch is also used in gluten free baking. It lightens the texture of gluten free baked goods and tends to give them more of an airy texture. It works great in things like gluten free biscuits and gluten free rolls.
Is also has a tendency to absorb more liquid than other gluten free, so it works well in items like crackers that need to be crispy.
Potato starch has to be combined with other gluten free flours in baking. Like most gluten free flours and starches, you cannot replace flour with only potato starch. It needs the structure and characteristics of other flours and starches to produce the right results
Do you have non digital books for sale?
Not at this time I don’t. I am hoping to have some print available through Amazon next year, but am still working on it.
I’m looking for the difference between tapioca flour and tapioca starch
Mary Johnson
This is a post I wrote for my other site that might help explain it. Basically in the United States, they are the same, but that post explains it better. I hope that helps. https://www.lynnskitchenadventures.com/2012/10/what-is-tapioca-starch-and-tapioca-flour-gluten-free-food-facts.html
If I am using tapioca flour/starch in a cookie recipe do I still need to add potato starch?
I am sorry that it took me so long to get back to you. It depends on the recipe. In some recipes you only need one or the other, but in a few recipes both give you the best results.