My family recently tried the King Arthur Gluten Free Brownie Mix and we are sharing our thoughts.

The Best Gluten Free Brownie Mix
My family is on a mission to find the best gluten free brownie mix.
We tested different gluten free flour blends to find the best flour blend for gluten free brownies, so it seemed natural to also find out what the best gluten free brownie mix was.

King Arthur Gluten Free Brownie Mix
We are sharing our first review and it is for the King Arthur Gluten Free Brownie Mix.
This brownie mix makes an 8×8 square pan or a 9×9 round pan.
You need the mix, butter or oil, eggs, and water. That is all.
Is butter or oil better in brownies?
The King Arthur Gluten Free says that you can use either butter or oil.
In general butter will give you a more cake like brownie. Oil will give you a denser more fudgy brownie.
I have used both and my family usually prefers oil. For this gluten free brownie mix we like oil the best. It gives the gluten free brownie a delicious fudgy texture.

Gluten Free Brownie Mix Review
So what where our thoughts on the this gluten free brownie mix?
We really enjoyed it. The taste and texture were basically the same as what I remember a store bought brownie mix being like.
I think this is a brownie that you could feed anyone and they would not know that it was gluten free.
In fact, my teenage son, who does not have to eat gluten free, said it was one of the best brownies that he has had.
He loved the taste and texture. He would be happy if this was the only brownie I made. That is high praise from someone that doesn’t have to eat gluten free.
Where can you buy the King Arthur Gluten Free Brownie Mix?
The mix can be a little hard to find. Some Wal-mart stores, Targets, and Krogers carry it, but not all.
I have ordered it directly from King Arthur. Amazon also sells the brownie mix and the Amazon price is not too bad.

Final Thoughts
I prefer making homemade when possible, especially since I have a homemade gluten free brownie mix recipe that I love. However, I will be keeping this gluten free brownie mix on hand.
Having this mix on hand will make it easy to serve gluten free brownies anytime I need a last minute dessert.
We will be trying more brownie mixes soon so stay tuned for more gluten free brownie mix reviews.
I found a delicious gluten free brownie mix by Namaste. I found this at Wegmans. I have tried several others, but this is the best when it comes to that chewy brownie texture. My husband and my son also agree as they eat all the gluten free food I make.
Thank you for sharing about how good the Namast one is. I have not tried very many of the Namaste products, but I will look for the brownie mix to try.